Hi there, my name is Pavel Solomatin.

I am a senior software engineer focusing on .Net technology with strong interests in cyber security possessing a PhD degree in mathematics from Leiden University, math department. Since March 2018 I am working full-time in the IT-industry. My professional journey started at Dutch IT-company called Ortec, where I worked for more than 4 years. Here is some fun video from our OOT-bootcamp where apart from other people you can find my face. I am currently employed by Nielsen. This web-site is mostly dedicated to my mathematical research projects. Would you like to contact me with regard to some software development opportunities? Then feel free to use my LinkedIn account. My “industrial” curriculum vitae is located here. I also occasionally post something related to engineering to my blog.

My thesis entitled “Global Fields and Their L-functions” is available online at the Leiden University library web-site. My principal scientific advisor was professor Bart de Smit from Leiden. My co-advisor was professor Karim Belabas from University of Bordeaux. I obtained my bachelor and master degrees at HSE, mathematical department. My scientific advisor there was professor Alexey Zykin. Here are some ancient interviews available on hse web-site 1, 2(Russian version only).

My research had been supported by the ALGANT scholarship program and concerns interaction between Anabelian Geometry and L-functions of Global Fields. The following list consists of my main research interests, generally speaking they are related to number theory, algebraic geometry and its applications: class field theory and explicit methods, abelian varieties, curves with many points over finite fields, Jacobians of curves and their zeta-functions, L-functions of global fields and their special values, Drinfeld modules, cryptography and coding theory.

Feel free to check my research-gate and google-scholar profiles.